Mate Selection?

I have a confession to make.

I watch “The Bachelorette”.

Honest to goodness, I didn’t expect to like it. The whole idea behind finding your “mate for life” (Avatar, anyone?) while constantly on camera seems absolutely absurd to me. Combine that with the fact that only one of the couples have really stayed together since its inception (minus the one that just got together), and I believe that we have sufficient evidence to ridicule the idea for life.

However, upon my arrival to Maine, Sara and Missy introduced me to this most glorious invention. And I must say, although quite skeptical at first, I have since then become intrigued by the whole idea.

Men become drama queens. The one and only woman (i.e., the bachelorette) becomes a goddess. Why? Its pure mate choice, man. Its perfect grounds to put my knowledge of human behavioral evolution to use. And believe me, the whole process is as fun as it sounds… if not more.

Let’s take the main idea, for instance: we have a small population with one female (Ali) and many other potential male mates (et al.). Here’s my first question: with an overall lack of females, what male wouldn’t be pursuing his only female mate choice? Its simple evolutionary anthropology. You want your genetic fitness to persist. If there’s only one female around, then, by golly, she will be the mother of your offspring! It makes perfect sense. Hence, I am no longer confused by each and every guy proclaiming his undying love for Ali multiple times each show. Oh. My. Gosh. You barely even know her: how can you be in love with her? Gees.

Add that with the principle of competition (I want what my opponent wants, just for the fact that he also wants it), and you have quite a show. Sure, I am sure that Ali is pretty and all, but come on: how many girls will actually be actively pursued by scores of men? Level with me scientifically–seriously.

But here’s my real question: once the male winner and Ali are pushed back into society, the male faced with millions of other potential female partners, what will happen? That’s when the real test of loyalty persists. And even then, perhaps its positively correlated with asymmetry… or is it?

Oh, reality T.V. How thee blows my mind.

~ by Lauren Weisenfluh on June 23, 2010.

2 Responses to “Mate Selection?”

  1. Never before have the words “glorious invention” and “The Bachelorette” been issued in the same sentence.

    But, it’s so true. Dare I add “thought-provoking” to the list of descriptors!!?!

  2. For sure!! Its many good qualities and entertainment value are totally overlooked. That’s why I am spreading the word about the educational value of “The Bachelorette”…

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